Why Financial Security Is More Important Than The Employment Security

Take Risk

Low risk high return investments can be made. All you have to do is learn how to do it. Remember, when it comes to investing, knowledge always eliminates risk. Learning is not difficult at all. It is no different from learning to ride a bike. You may fall at the beginning, but after a while learning not to fall, investing becomes as natural as walking.

People who haven’t achieved their financial freedom are more likely to avoid financial risk. It is always better to learn to manage risk rather than avoid risk.

Risk takers change the world. You can see very few people getting rich without risk. Many choose to depend on the state to avoid the risks of life. At the beginning of the Information Age, the phenomenon of benevolent state has come to an end. We know that. The Benevolent state was costing dearly. Unfortunately, millions of people around the world will be in a very difficult financial situation as they depend on “their rights” and lifetime bonuses. The greatest requirement of the Information Age is that everyone is self-sufficient.

The idea of “work hard and find yourself a solid, secure job” is from the Industrial Age. We no longer live in that age. Times are changing. However, people insist on not changing their minds as rapidly. They still think they deserve something. They believe investment is not their business. They expect the state, companies, unions or their families to take care of them on their retirement days. I wish they were right.

If you have already achieved your financial freedom, I will just say “Congratulations!”. Please help others to follow your path. If they need guidance, do not hesitate to help. Guide, but let them find their own way. Because there are many ways to financial freedom.

Whatever you decide, please keep this in mind: Financial freedom may be free, but it is not cheap. Freedom has a price, it’s worth it if you ask me. The trick is that financial freedom requires neither money nor good education. It doesn’t have to be risky either. The cost of financial freedom is measured by dreams, will, and the ability to overcome obstacles along the way. So are you ready to pay this price?

Assurance or Freedom?

• Go to school, get good grades, then find a solid, secure job.

• Go to school, get good grades, then start your own business.

If all people in the world were given these two options, the results could have been halved. However, people have become so used to the system that they do not know what they want. Even if they know, they don’t have the motivation to bring it to life. After all, many unknowingly find themselves applying the first option.

The reason millions of people seek assurance is actually what they’ve been taught at home and at school.

Most of us are instilled with employment security, not financial security, at an early age. In addition, since we are taught little about money, both at home and at school, what could be more natural than clinging to the idea of employment security?

If you look at people who are poor and have not achieved their financial freedom, you will see that they have opted for employment security. If you turn your head and look in the opposite direction, the rich and the people who have fully secured their financial freedom, you will see that they act with freedom.

Falling into the Debt Trap

The reason why most of the population chooses the first option and works without financial freedom is because of what they learned in school. They get into debt shortly after they finish school. This is such a deep debt that they cling to employment security even more tightly in order to pay their bills.

There are many young people who graduated from university with their diplomas and education loan debt. When they see that the amount of debt is between $ 50,000 and $ 150,000, they get depressed. If the parents covered the tuition expenses, then the parents may have to pay a loan.

An article I read recently wrote that most Americans had credit cards when they were students and would be in debt for the rest of their lives. This is because they took part in a scenario that became famous in the Industrial Age. Here is the scenario:

The boy goes to school, graduates, gets a job, and soon has money to spend. Now he can rent an apartment, buy a TV, new furniture, new clothes and of course a car. One day, this hero meets someone special, they fall in love with each other, and after a while they get married. Life goes easier with a double income. By putting a few dollars aside, they plan to own their own homes as all young people dream of. One day, they find that house, withdraw the money they have saved in their savings accounts, deposit the house down payment, and go under mortgage debt. Well, the new house needs new items, and they enter the furniture store that advertises in talismanic words, saying “Furniture in installments with no down payment”.

Everything is great, they throw a party to show off their new home, new cars, new stuff and new toys. After that, they will live in debt until the end of their lives. Then their first child is born.

Every morning, this ordinary, well-educated, hard-working couple leaves their children at kindergarten, making their way to the company where they work intensely. Now, employment security has become even more important for them.

Do you still insist on choosing the first option?

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You May Lose Money Because You Don’t Invest Enough Time

There are only two things we can invest with: Time and money. Many people lose money because they don’t invest enough time.

Remember the 90/10 rule of money. I can say that 90 percent of the investors invest with money, but don’t invest enough with time. And the 10 percent who earn 90 percent of the money invest more time than money.

Let’s take a look at the diagram of three types of investors below. This is important to understand the relationship between time and investing.

When we look at this simple diagram, it is easy to understand why non-investors and passive investors say “Investing is risky.” They either have little or no financial training, and they have little financial experience.

Most investors consider investing risky and seek financial advice from finance professionals with little financial training or experience.

Did you know these?

• Becoming a licensed massage therapist takes more time than becoming a financial advisor.

• Less than 20% of all stockbrokers and real estate dealers invest in products they recommend to their clients.

• Very few politicians and legislators have any investment.

• Economics department academics generally don’t have a financial training or experience in investment.

• Many journalists who write on finance issues have little financial education or investment experience.

Wall Street is the only place that people ride to in a Rolls Royce to get advice from those who take the subway.

Warren Buffet

It was discovered that the most used word in English is “time”. The word “money” may also be in the top 100, but it wasn’t even near “time” on the list. 

How you spend your time is very important because lost time can never be recovered. The money lost is often recoverable. As Pericles puts it, ” Time is the wisest counselor of all.”. I recommend that you be mindful of your time and learn to invest your time thoughtfully.

If wasting 15 minutes meant losing $ 500, would you be more conscious of how to spend those 15 minutes? I think you would. If you are in the hospitality industry, going to new restaurants doesn’t mean you waste time and money. What waste is, is different for all of us.

Be aware of how you spend your time. Not all money in the world can make up for lost time.

We are all affected by money, regardless of who we are or where we live or what we do. If there is something that will affect your life, it’s best to learn as much about it as possible. Can you find time to invest in your financial education?

Evaluate how you spend your time. There are 168 hours a week:

Can you devote between 4 and 10 hours a week for your financial education? You can probably do that. The real question is: Will you take the time?

Make a promise to yourself to take more time to learn, and then keep your word! Reading this blog is a good start. But more is always needed. What else can you do?

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Seize The Power of Money

Today, we all have a duty to manage the money wisely in our pocket. Of course there is no need to get a bachelor’s degree in economics to have this skill. In today’s world, what is taught in schools leads people to be slaves of money. But what we need to learn is to seize the power of money. Unfortunately, they don’t teach this in economics departments.

A university diploma cannot be a remedy for financial difficulties. Graduation is actually a beginning rather than an end. For sure, we need universities for being productive members of the society. However, these institutions do not teach people to manage money or control their economic fears. Therefore, they cannot guarantee economic satisfaction after graduation.

In fact, we are all “workers”. Let’s not waste our time trying to learn how to make bundles of money or thinking about it. What we need to do is keep control of our budget. When it comes to money, we shouldn’t be trapped by our fears or desires. No matter how much we earn, if we haven’t learned to cope with our fears and desires, then we actually live as high-wage slaves.

We must learn to use our fears and desires to our advantage. We must not let these emotions hurt us. What trapping people is their own negative emotions and ignorance. It is the biggest and most fundamental cause of poverty and financial difficulties. In other words, who are responsible for poverty is not the economy, the state or the rich.

What we need to do is learn to take advantage of our emotions and understand their influence on our thoughts. 

When our boss increases our hourly wages, our desires grow and we succumb to our emotions. Many people look forward to a pay day, a raise or authorization. There is no end to these expectations.

Our desires for what to buy will never end. A better phone, clothes, the latest model car or a bigger house… As our income increases, our desires increase and we always need more money.

Desire calls us, fear takes us out of the door, and we walk away without realizing it. This is the trap.

If we can see, we won’t get caught in the traps. If we keep our eyes open on the road, we will not fall into a trap. Being awake, aware, and conscious keeps us safe from many desires and fears. We have to be honest in determining what we really need. We must always continue our effort to know and understand ourselves. When we want to own something, we must try to find out why we really want that thing. These questions can save us from falling prey to our negative emotions.

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